Would you like to be a model for the Class of 18 Seniors? It's super easy - basically it just means we hold your portrait session in June, and you tell your friends how much fun you had! You're all beautiful - I'm not looking for a specific hair color or body type. You're perfect as you are, and I'll help you feel comfortable during your session so your portraits will reflect what an amazing person you are!
The part your parents will like best: we waive the Session Fee. A the time of your session, you pay a deposit of $375.00 toward your artwork order, similar to our regular Senior Session. The difference is that instead of $150.00 going toward your order of prints and other artwork, the whole $375.00 is credited to your order! In essence you're getting paid to do your portraits early. And it's so nice to have one of your Senior year tasks completed early in the summer!
There's only one catch: because I'm offering a complimentary session fee, I can only work with two models from each school. So email, text, or call me - I'd love to talk with you! The schools are: Arroyo Grande High School, Mission College Prep, San Luis High School, and Nipomo High School.